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1Misha's Black Box Empty Misha's Black Box Wed May 30, 2018 6:50 pm




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Last edited by Misha on Tue Jul 31, 2018 4:35 pm; edited 3 times in total

2Misha's Black Box Empty Misha V2 Template Sun Jun 10, 2018 11:14 am



Emanuel D. Angelov
"All losses in this world are due to a lack of ability."
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque rutrum mattis justo eu interdum. Morbi non scelerisque metus. Sed nec nibh mi. Curabitur quis erat nunc. Maecenas gravida neque odio, ac fringilla enim iaculis vitae. Maecenas sodales dolor risus, id venenatis eros laoreet et. Suspendisse convallis odio at pharetra imperdiet. Quisque consectetur ullamcorper magna, vel elementum nunc luctus sit amet. Aenean consectetur, libero sit amet porta faucibus, metus elit hendrerit diam, vel eleifend sapien velit ac nulla.

Integer vel nulla lacinia, imperdiet ipsum nec, tincidunt orci. Aenean lobortis egestas facilisis. Pellentesque sed justo mauris. Curabitur dictum, erat eget tempor mattis, quam elit facilisis nulla, ac eleifend risus felis a tortor. Nullam pretium diam eleifend urna congue rhoncus. Aenean justo libero, egestas eget finibus sed, sodales nec erat. Ut justo ligula, mattis non tempus a, euismod sit amet ligula. Duis rhoncus lorem sed auctor molestie. Mauris et sem massa. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Suspendisse eget arcu dignissim, sagittis urna sit amet, tempus eros. Integer vestibulum porta purus nec tempus.

Nulla vulputate id lorem et scelerisque. Fusce ut pellentesque lectus. Donec interdum felis at tortor vehicula ornare. Phasellus elementum, tellus non ullamcorper porttitor, quam lorem lacinia enim, vitae semper sapien erat at odio. Fusce a erat sit amet leo molestie condimentum. Donec efficitur porttitor leo, gravida consectetur elit auctor vel. In nec ante vel dui molestie fermentum non eget nunc. Sed vel rutrum dui. Quisque a quam vel enim dictum placerat. Cras nec ultricies turpis, ac malesuada orci. Morbi sed tincidunt libero, in rhoncus neque. Pellentesque bibendum eros nec feugiat elementum. Sed venenatis ut nisi nec cursus. Donec auctor sit amet dolor ac ornare. Donec vel mi id elit lacinia aliquam eu a sem.

Integer pretium ultricies dolor ut congue. Aenean ac rutrum enim, facilisis tincidunt dui. Pellentesque rhoncus est at lacus volutpat, eu aliquet augue lobortis. Curabitur posuere ligula sit amet purus volutpat dapibus. Integer placerat tempus ligula, id ultricies massa cursus eget. Maecenas convallis molestie pulvinar. Proin auctor arcu sed velit varius egestas. Nunc lacinia lorem vel libero semper pretium. In est diam, scelerisque quis urna eget, cursus placerat purus. Donec tristique nibh mi, ut blandit libero vestibulum id. Nam consectetur nulla lacinia ex auctor euismod. Mauris facilisis et tortor quis cursus. Sed metus nulla, rutrum et consectetur sit amet, cursus ut tellus. Aenean rutrum lacus a ipsum auctor, in scelerisque odio imperdiet.

Integer quis sem libero. Pellentesque accumsan rutrum turpis, ut luctus neque sodales sit amet. Ut rhoncus lobortis justo, sed tempus diam ultricies ac. Maecenas hendrerit tempus bibendum. Ut arcu libero, vestibulum quis risus et, gravida sagittis odio. Integer consequat libero urna, sagittis finibus lectus pellentesque in. Suspendisse potenti. Nulla ornare arcu quis dui varius, feugiat sagittis magna egestas. Phasellus vestibulum cursus urna ac vulputate. Proin finibus enim eget efficitur vestibulum. Nam iaculis vel massa vitae mollis. Aenean erat augue, blandit quis lacus non, ullamcorper faucibus magna. Aenean tempor eu risus sed tincidunt. Pellentesque eget erat a felis commodo porttitor. Aenean risus nunc, accumsan in mauris vel, cursus molestie risus. Curabitur elementum bibendum ligula, ut consectetur eros lobortis non.

tag → @[Name Here] /// @[Name Here]

Equipment: The Rotten Skull

Word Count: 000


"Speech Here"

<center><div style="width: 430px; height: 600px; padding: 22px; text-align: justify; line-height: 16px; border-left: solid 30px DarkBlue;box-shadow: 5px 10px 10px #666666;"><div style="font-size: 18px; font-family: Georgia;text-align: center; margin-bottom: 15px; font-style: italic;"><img src="" style="width: 390px; height: 140px; margin-bottom: 12px;"></img>Emanuel D. Angelov
<span style="font-size: 12px;color: gray;">"All losses in this world are due to a lack of ability."</span></div><div style="height: 310px;overflow: auto;padding: 15px;font-size: 10px;">Text Here

<hr> <div style="color: black; font-size: 10px; font-style: italic;text-align: center;">tag → @[Name Here] /// @[Name Here]

<a href="" target="_blank"><b>Equipment: The Rotten Skull</b></a>

Word Count: 000</div></div><table cellpadding="8" cellspacing="8" style="width:100%;margin-bottom: 10px;color:#f9f9f9;font-weight:bold;text-align:center;font-size: 8px;">
<tr><td width="90px" bgcolor="#000000">STRENGTH 1</td><td width="90px" bgcolor="#000000">ENDURANCE 0</td><td width="90px" bgcolor="#000000">SPEED 2</td><td width="90px" bgcolor="#000000">PERCEPTION 2</td><td width="90px" bgcolor="#000000">WILLPOWER 2</td></tr></table>

<div style="display: none;"><span style="color: #1a94ff; font-weight: bold;">"Speech Here"</span></div>

Last edited by Misha on Mon Aug 06, 2018 10:36 pm; edited 3 times in total

3Misha's Black Box Empty Re: Misha's Black Box Tue Jul 31, 2018 4:37 pm




Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean hendrerit odio lacus, eleifend rutrum nisl elementum quis. Mauris nec odio luctus, consequat sapien eu, laoreet nibh. Vivamus maximus vehicula leo, in imperdiet justo molestie vel. Ut ac felis sed nisi cursus mollis. Duis vehicula euismod ligula, a cursus ante sollicitudin eget. Vestibulum ut orci condimentum leo varius ornare. Aenean quis molestie massa. Etiam pretium maximus arcu, eget dignissim elit aliquam et. Proin eget pharetra tellus. Phasellus eleifend dictum dolor non sollicitudin. Fusce pretium id leo vitae blandit. Ut porta at mi at euismod. Cras sit amet mi scelerisque leo condimentum vestibulum vel nec est. Mauris sed dignissim erat.

Morbi pellentesque sapien vitae sem rutrum placerat. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nullam sit amet erat id sapien malesuada vestibulum eget quis nibh. Fusce in cursus nulla. Curabitur pulvinar nibh eget sem vehicula semper. Aenean eget rhoncus ex, viverra dignissim massa. Nulla posuere viverra tempus. In nibh dui, commodo congue maximus sed, aliquet quis erat. Ut nibh quam, viverra vel egestas nec, pretium quis neque. Maecenas sit amet cursus massa, nec viverra ipsum. Sed vel ante sit amet massa faucibus pharetra vel et erat.

In nec elementum arcu. Donec vel fermentum libero. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Nulla facilisi. Aliquam tincidunt mattis velit, sit amet commodo purus placerat eu. Morbi purus eros, feugiat id faucibus vel, feugiat et diam. Donec bibendum quis turpis et rutrum. Cras felis neque, ornare a nunc ultricies, sollicitudin pellentesque nunc.

In ullamcorper dignissim imperdiet. Nunc non metus nulla. Aliquam id lacus volutpat, dapibus ipsum a, sodales neque. Pellentesque ut nisi eu velit commodo auctor a in nunc. Aliquam non consectetur libero. Nulla ornare sodales ligula, a imperdiet ante porta non. Sed vitae elementum ipsum. Nam placerat dui vitae ante volutpat bibendum. Nunc quis sem quis mauris hendrerit tristique. Curabitur dignissim justo augue. Proin suscipit libero condimentum, malesuada ipsum eget, finibus ante. Praesent id rhoncus mi, eu posuere sapien. Quisque nec justo erat. Morbi aliquet neque sollicitudin, fermentum lectus vel, interdum est. Integer accumsan diam eget velit viverra ultrices. Pellentesque enim dolor, maximus at dui nec, cursus sodales nunc.

<center><div style="width: 500px; padding: 10px; margin-top: 18px; box-shadow: -1px -1px 10px 6px DarkBlue;"><img src="" USEMAP="#emanuelmap"></img><table cellpadding="8" cellspacing="8" style="width:95.9%;margin-bottom: 10px;color:#f9f9f9;font-weight:bold;text-align:center;font-size: 8px;">
<tr><td width="90px" bgcolor="#000000">STRENGTH 2</td><td width="90px" bgcolor="#000000">ENDURANCE 1</td><td width="90px" bgcolor="#000000">SPEED 2</td><td width="90px" bgcolor="#000000">PERCEPTION 2</td><td width="90px" bgcolor="#000000">WILLPOWER 2</td></tr></table><div style="padding: 20px; font-size: 11px; line-height: 18px; text-align: justify">Text Here

<div style="height: 40px; background-color: DarkBlue;"></div></div>

<map id="imgmap20185232053" name="#emanuelmap"><area shape="rect" title="" coords="235,0,468,197" href="" target="_blank" /><area shape="rect" title="" coords="0,100,233,197" href="" target="_blank" /><area shape="rect" title="" coords="0,0,233,98" href="" target="_blank" /></map>

Last edited by Misha on Sat Oct 27, 2018 4:47 pm; edited 1 time in total

4Misha's Black Box Empty Re: Misha's Black Box Tue Sep 04, 2018 10:12 pm




Emanuel D. Angelov
"All Losses in this world are due to a lack of ability"
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec vitae lacus justo. Sed luctus, augue eget scelerisque pretium, diam turpis gravida mi, ut finibus eros nunc nec lectus. Ut augue erat, lacinia eget risus vulputate, pretium vulputate leo. Vivamus iaculis metus condimentum, mollis erat sed, posuere justo. Nullam pretium sapien vitae quam cursus bibendum. Proin pharetra sapien sit amet turpis iaculis, id fringilla mi bibendum. Aliquam placerat, arcu eu facilisis sagittis, augue tellus varius metus, vel bibendum diam est vitae ante. Mauris quis ante sit amet ante dictum fringilla. Aenean congue posuere elit, at eleifend risus feugiat vitae. Proin luctus sodales ex, ac iaculis tellus rhoncus nec. Proin lobortis lacus vitae elit consequat, at viverra odio porttitor. Pellentesque interdum mauris eget turpis iaculis imperdiet sit amet vitae odio.

Nulla facilisi. Nulla vitae tellus consectetur, elementum diam non, ornare dolor. Curabitur facilisis faucibus turpis, at luctus lacus pretium in. Aenean et nisi nec turpis commodo laoreet nec quis mauris. Duis viverra dui felis, efficitur feugiat ipsum iaculis et. Suspendisse ultricies felis non magna rutrum, ac faucibus quam bibendum. Vestibulum lectus mi, lacinia sed bibendum quis, feugiat eu ligula. Nulla nisl metus, pellentesque at ex at, tincidunt rhoncus lectus. Aenean ut justo a nibh rhoncus hendrerit ut at eros.

Quisque scelerisque, lectus ut finibus sagittis, libero mauris lacinia magna, et dignissim neque risus id velit. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nulla id cursus nunc. Mauris non libero odio. Donec a tortor sit amet sapien porttitor fermentum porttitor sit amet dui. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Aliquam laoreet dictum dui nec feugiat. Sed fringilla justo eget sem auctor, id laoreet massa facilisis. Ut dapibus pharetra ipsum, eu aliquam magna venenatis vitae.

Curabitur accumsan elementum neque, et blandit neque tristique et. Donec faucibus tempor nulla quis viverra. Maecenas tempor lacinia purus, id tristique ligula sodales ultricies. Pellentesque fermentum eleifend nisi, id sollicitudin urna. Pellentesque auctor aliquet justo, vel rhoncus nibh luctus vel. Praesent sed vulputate tortor. Nulla facilisi. Nunc porta non tortor in consectetur. Donec aliquet at orci ut convallis. Aliquam gravida urna vitae justo venenatis ultricies rutrum eget erat. Integer pretium molestie velit, ac pretium elit fringilla a. Nam non tellus nec turpis imperdiet vulputate. Maecenas tellus sapien, consectetur id luctus sed, eleifend ut urna.

Morbi at tortor luctus, dapibus mi nec, tempus sem. Nullam vel lorem arcu. Sed quam felis, elementum non sodales vel, semper ut metus. Duis ac fringilla libero, et sodales libero. Donec enim arcu, tempor vel luctus a, aliquet quis lorem. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Maecenas auctor tristique ipsum id egestas. Duis lobortis nisl elit, nec venenatis mauris commodo ac. Suspendisse facilisis congue mi, eget fermentum orci porttitor eget. Integer nec enim urna. Sed vestibulum ex sit amet libero maximus condimentum. Integer quam velit, suscipit eget ante et, vehicula pulvinar lorem. Nunc commodo luctus ligula et blandit. Curabitur metus ante, porta at mattis a, luctus vel nibh.

Misha's Notes: ooo

Haki Cooldown: ooo

"Speech Here" /// "Thoughts Here" /// "Other Speech Here"

tag → @[Name Here] /// @[Name Here]WC: 000

Techniques Used:

<center><div style="width: 430px; padding: 22px; line-height: 16px; border-left: solid 30px DarkBlue;box-shadow: 5px 10px 10px #666666;"><img src="" USEMAP="#emanuelmap" style="width: 100%;"></img>
<table cellpadding="8" cellspacing="8" style="width:100%;color:#f9f9f9;font-weight:bold;text-align:center;font-size: 8px;"></table><div style="font-size: 18px; font-family: Georgia;text-align: center; margin-top: 8px; margin-bottom: 5px; font-style: italic;">Emanuel D. Angelov
<span style="font-size: 11px; font-style: italic; color: Gray;">"All Losses in this world are due to a lack of ability"</span></div><div style="height: 330px;overflow: auto;padding: 15px;font-size: 10px; text-align: justify;">Text Here

<hr><div style="padding: 10px;"><span style="font-weight: bold;">Misha's Notes:</span> ooo

<span style="font-weight: bold;">Haki Cooldown:</span> ooo

<span style="color: DarkBlue; font-weight: bold;">"Speech Here"</span> /// <span style="color: #1a94ff; font-weight: bold; font-style: italic;">"Thoughts Here"</span> /// <span style="color: Crimson; font-weight: bold;">"Other Speech Here"</span></div></div><table cellpadding="8" cellspacing="8" style="width:100%;color:#f9f9f9;font-weight:bold;text-align:center;font-size: 8px;"><tr><td colspan="4" style="color: Black;">tag → @[Name Here] /// @[Name Here]</td><td colspan="1" style="color: Black;">WC: 000</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="5" bgcolor="#000000">[INACTIVE] HAKI: 14/14</td></tr><tr><td width="100px" bgcolor="#000000">STRENGTH 4</td><td width="100px" bgcolor="#000000">ENDURANCE 2</td><td width="100px" bgcolor="#000000">SPEED 2</td><td width="100px" bgcolor="#000000">PERCEPTION 3</td><td width="100px" bgcolor="#000000">WILLPOWER 4</td></tr></table></div></center>

[spoiler=Techniques Used]<center><a href="" target="_blank"><span style="font-style: italic; font-weight: bold;">Emanuel's Skill Locker</span></a></center[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Equipment]<center><a href="" target="_blank"><b>Equipment: The Rotten Skull</b></a></span>[/spoiler]

<map id="imgmap20185232053" name="#emanuelmap"><area shape="rect" title="" coords="235,0,468,197" href="" target="_blank" /><area shape="rect" title="" coords="0,100,233,197" href="" target="_blank" /><area shape="rect" title="" coords="0,0,233,98" href="" target="_blank" /></map>

5Misha's Black Box Empty Re: Misha's Black Box Sun May 12, 2019 12:42 pm




As a half-fishman, Emanuel was generally unimpressive in terms of physical traits save for having a rather sharp, attractively boyish appearance as well as some semblance of neatness and grooming.

Like other fishmen, he bares the same trademark features as his brethren, including the appearance of having razor-sharp teeth and small gills found around both sides of his neck.

After a fierce battle, Emanuel's body underwent an extensive metamorphosis. His facial features became much more accentuated and smoothed out, giving him a much more striking and handsome veneer, lean physique, and bringing about a dramatic increase in his physical stature. Where his previous form was rather compacted, Emanuel's current form is now far more strapping and built.

In particular, his legs are now much longer and he stands with a much more grace posture than he had previously. His shoulders are now much broader and he walks with a much more imposing gait.


Emanuel D. Angelov
"The voices in my head may not be real, but they have some good ideas!"

TOUKEN RANBU | Yagen Toushirou (adult)
Race: Half-Fishmen, Angelfish
Gender: MaleAge: 30
Height: 6"2Weight: 146 lbs

Personality ///
"Lighthearted Justice"

Morality Alignment: Chaotic Good
Positive Personality Traits
Affectionate | Ambitious | Lighthearted | Adventurous | Clear-headed | Daring | Courteous
Negative Personality Traits
Underhanded | Rebellious | Airy | Scheming | Sadistic | Flippant | Duplicitous

Emanuel has a very two-sided personality; while he comes off as dutiful, personable, and professionally savvy, his inner nature is much darker and duplicitous. He can usually maintain an air of calm; little tends to unnerve him and he can still show a more buoyant, playful demeanor from time to time.

Personally soft-spoken, although he doesn't lack for confidence and isn't afraid to assert himself when annoyed or offended, acting untowards, sarcastically mocking others, making rather flippant statements, and just generally giving anyone a hard time if they get on his bad side.

Emanuel is a person who undergoes periods of fixation and fascination. He can sometimes be a bit excitable and has plenty of hobbies and interests to occupy his time with, including hiking, sparring, tinkering with machines, and cooking. He also harbors an interest in technological curiosities though lacks the ability to understand or study them in any great detail.  

In terms of skills and passions, Emanuel is driven to expand his repertoire and loves the thrill of combat, not purely out of bloodlust (although he can be when needed), but for the sake of competition and self-improvement. Even though he's a marine, he's grown to value personal freedom much more than he used to.

"Everyone wants to play power games. So I play them. And win."

Underneath his outward veneer of professionalism, Emanuel does have more devious, ambitious, and rebellious side and can be quite the dirty trickster. He is comfortable using underhanded methods, deception, and hardball tactics to achieve his goals, mostly to the chagrin of his superiors in particular towards whom he has a rather jaded, disrespectful attitude.

Emanuel does at least try to honor his word and commitments and he does take them seriously (at least at face value), although he doesn't have too many qualms with manipulating and conniving out on others or taking the quickest, cheapest route if it can be used to advance his position or achieve his aims. Most of the time, these objectives of his tend to change to whatever fixates him at any point in time, whether that be personal power, money, or increasing his own status.

One caveat however is he does have a sense of empathy for common people and citizens gained from his upbringing and he likes to converse with people he finds when they share a common intent or interest. So long as they pose no threat to him, he is genuinely loathe to hurt innocent people unless there is no way around it and will only do it if he must.

In precarious situations or when discussing matters of grave importance, he can be dangerously ruthless and methodical. He takes his position seriously and is willing to go far to achieve his ambitions, being that he can be swayed to act aggressively and go to the farthest reaches of his personality. At worst, this makes him come off as two-faced and sadistic; saying one thing only to muse about acting another way.

Emanuel displays a mix of both fearlessness and caution. Little tends to get under his skin and he is willing to brave high risks if needed, lie without flinching, and stand against overwhelming enemies. These traits however are tempered mainly by his calculating attitude and his sense of caution. Standing and fighting is what he lives for and he loves to fight, but he isn't one to give into recklessness for reasons of pure bravado or if it undermines his position or interests.

Faction ///

Epithet: "Trickster" "Emile"
Faction: Marine
Starting Rank: Ensign
Occupation: Navigator

    Ever since a child you've shown the sensitivity to notice even the slightest change in the humidity in the air. When it comes to your studies, geography, navigation and oceanography always fascinated you with immense passion. It's now translated into the ability guide vessels across the most treacherous of seas. Your decisions make or break a voyage at sea! Non-Combat.

Group Name: N/A
Group Captain: N/A
Position 1: N/A
Position 2: N/A

Devil Fruit ///

Numa Numa no Mi: The Numa Numa no Mi is a Logia-type Devil Fruit that allows the user to mimic the element of "swamp" making the user a Swamp Human (沼人間 Numa Ningen). With the fruit's power, Emanuel is able to create bottomless swamps that are extremely difficult to escape from.

Weapons ///

The Rotten Skull
The Rotten Skull // Common Grade
A light short-spear slightly longer than an average broadsword at about 40 inches in length. Useful for stabbing and piercing armor and the metal is resilient enough to handle a small beating, though with no other remarkable traits. The handle bears an engraving of a skull.
Adamantine & Dawn
Adamantine // Supreme Grade
Befitting its ranking, adamantine is a unique, ornately decorated great hammer that was forged from gleaming quicksilver and very well-defined details. In total, it measures almost 4 feet in length. The width and radius of the hammerhead altogether amounts to an additional 1"2 feet of reach.

Adamantine is a powerful hammer, known as a 'weapon-breaker' for having broken a thousand weapons throughout its history. At night, the quicksilver always glows white and illuminates the dark to allow its wielder to see even at night. Beneath the metal, the weapon was made from wood taken from a holy mangrove tree, making it additionally resistant to damage.

Dawn // Great Grade light artillery; speed 7, power 4, range 50m
Dawn has a very elegant appearance for a gun, being etched in gold and embezzled with several fine jewels and emeralds. Each accessory of the weapon is top-notch in its category, though the inner mechanical workings are slightly lesser. Powered by steam, it's a special weapon that was originally made by an overprotective noble father for his son.

Dawn boasts higher firepower than the average gun and is even durable enough for Emanuel to use both as a parrying weapon against attack and also as a gun-sword for slashing at foes in close range. Though not so great for actually damaging enemies, it can still cause bloodied injuries in Emanuel's hand from his great strength. It is also semi-automatic, firing exactly one high-caliber shot from each pull of the trigger and allowing Emanuel to mix gunshots in with his other weapon maneuvers.

Starting Slots:

Plot Spot
Will of D.   ---   Marines

RP Sample:

(From this thread: Maybe not 100% my best work, but if you need me to write something else, I'll happily oblige.

6Misha's Black Box Empty Re: Misha's Black Box Fri May 31, 2019 8:54 pm




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